Tucker approves plans to resurface roads and light path

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  • Tucker approves plans to resurface roads and light path

Browning Chase Drive, Lawhon Drive, and the surrounding streets in Tucker are set to be resurfaced. Photo courtesy of Google Maps.

By Logan C. Ritchie

The city of Tucker is continuing to make improvements on roads and trails. Two proposals for spending were approved at the July 11 Tucker City Council meeting.

Street resurfacing continues as the city is entering its second phase of road improvement for the year. A contract is being awarded to ER Snell for $2.6 million to resurface 26 streets. The contract includes the resurfacing of Browning Chase Drive,  Lawhon Drive, and the streets surrounding them. The complete list of streets can be found here.

Tucker budgets about $4 million per year for resurfacing roads. Nearly $1 million will be leftover when all road paving projects are completed. The city did not state what the additional monies will be used for. 

The city council approved a contract with Georgia Power to light the Tucker Trail segment 1A, which is currently under construction on a path parallel to Main Street in downtown Tucker.

Construction started on the trail segment 1A in the spring behind Corner Cup in downtown Tucker, running from Lavista Road to First Avenue. The finished product will feature a paved pedestrian trail with brick pavers and landscaping.

Thirty-one decorative LED streetlights will match those recently installed on First Avenue.

The perpetual maintenance would be the responsibility of Georgia Power. The initial cost is $135,000. Monthly power and maintenance is estimated at $740. Both will be paid out of the city’s general fund, according to the city.

The next city council meeting is scheduled for Aug. 8.

Read the original story on TuckerObserver.com.