Dunwoody officials consider Mt. Vernon corridor improvements

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  • Dunwoody officials consider Mt. Vernon corridor improvements

By TheChampionNewspaper.com

Dunwoody officials shared concept plans and asked for public input Sept. 30 regarding improvements to the Mt. Vernon Road corridor from Corners Drive to Mount Vernon Place in Dunwoody.

“The goal of this project is to continue with pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Mt. Vernon Road as recommended in the city’s Transportation Plan and Sidewalk Improvement Program,” said Dunwoody Public Works Director Michael Smith. “Right now, there are no accommodations for bicycles and no sidewalk on the south side of this section of Mt. Vernon.”

Dunwoody officials said the three concept plans under consideration include a shared-use path for bicycles and pedestrians on the north side of road and a new sidewalk on the south side. The differences in the plans involve how the existing roadway is configured for traffic.

According to Dunwoody officials, the specific differences in the plans are:

  • Option One includes new left turn lanes needed to improve safety and traffic flow. A short center turn lane and pedestrian refuge island with flashing beacon would be added between Vernon Lake Drive and Forest Springs Drive.
  • Option Two would convert one of the existing westbound lanes to a two-way left turn lane and extend the turn lane to Vernon Lake Drive. It also includes a new pedestrian refuge island and flashing beacon at Vernon Lake Drive and Forest Springs Drive. Dunwoody officials said this option most closely aligns with recommendations in the city’s transportation plan.
  • Option Three advances the sidewalk and path improvements as a near-term project and the turn lanes as a long-term project. It does not allow for the addition of pedestrian refuge islands at crosswalk locations.

Details of the plans, a video presentation and the public input survey can be found at www.dunwoodyga.gov/mtvernon.

Dunwoody officials said the public can provide input by responding to the online survey or by sending an email to Dunwoody Capital Project Manager Ishri Sankar at [email protected]. Dunwoody officials said they are accepting responses through Oct. 23.

Read the original story on TheChampionNewspaper.com.