Attorney Roger Orlando announces run for Tucker City Council District 1, Post 1

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  • Attorney Roger Orlando announces run for Tucker City Council District 1, Post 1

Roger Orlando. Photo provided to the Tucker Observer

By Dan Whisenhunt

Local attorney Roger Orlando is the latest candidate to join the race for Tucker’s City Council.

The election is Nov. 2, 2021.

He will be running for District 1, Post 1. The seat is currently held by Pat Soltys

“I’m honored to be a serious candidate in the upcoming November 2 election for Tucker City Council, District 1, Post 1,” Orlando said. “After over 30 years enjoying great success as a trial lawyer with the ability to help tens of thousands of individuals and families throughout the years, the opportunity presented itself to make the lives of even more individuals ‘better’ through this new avenue of service.”

He has lived in Tucker nearly 20 years.

“It had been suggested that I seek office previously, but the timing simply wasn’t right in the city’s infancy,” Orlando said.

He’s the father of three children and his first grandchild was born in December.

“I became inspired at the revelation that I had the available time and, certainly, the ability to give back to this community,” Orlando said. “Simply put, I hope to have the opportunity to leave our world a better place. The magnitude of support I have received thus far is heartening. This includes the additional support and endorsement of Pat Soltys who is stepping down from this position to serve the community in yet other ways, after having served her constituents so well for so long. Now I hope to make my own mark in the city’s history. ”

His priorities are the development of green space, promoting “interesting and new businesses” in the city and the promotion of Tucker to residents and visitors.

“I want to see the continued development of peaceful area parks, a safe and vibrant downtown destination and the growth of opportunities for all Tucker citizens to remain involved in the enjoyment of life right in our own backyard,” he said. “I also recognize that there are less-glamorous issues that constitute pressing issues within our community. Affordable housing, revitalization within several Tucker communities, acceptance and the celebration of our diversity, and making certain our city is welcoming to all citizens and visitors, to name a few. There are no easy answers with these issues but, nonetheless, these remain key consideration within all levels of Tucker‘s governance.”

He said he’s particularly concerned about issues relating to hunger and food insecurity.

“Throughout this past year, my family and my law firm have made a strong and consistent commitment to the donation and distribution of food to those in need,” Orlando said. “These considerations from a governmental view are equally as important – if not of greater importance – than those of general growth and promotion. As an attorney for over 30 years, I bring an understanding of the ability to observe or consider problems brought to my attention, think outside the box to create the best solutions feasible and implement solutions to the betterment of citizens and the community. As a whole, I believe over the past decades I have developed the understanding to recognize and celebrate the District’s diversity from ethnicity to lifestyle to its economic needs.

“As my campaign continues to develop and opportunities to visit and interact with citizens throughout the community increase, I look forward to the formation of a greater understanding and commitment to the needs of those who reside in District 1, as well as the entire city of Tucker.”

To visit Orlando’s campaign website, click here.

Other candidates who have announced a run this year are:

 Imani Barnes, candidate for District 2.

 Shawn Woods, candidate for District 1

Cara Schroeder, candidate for District 2

The seats on the ballot this year are:

– Mayor, post currently held by Frank Auman

– District 1 Post 1, currently held by Pat Soltys

– District 2 Post 1, currently held by Matt Robbins

– District 3 Post 1, currently held by Michelle Penkava

– District 1, Post 2 is vacant and was held by the late Bill Rosenfeld

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