Clarkston places moratorium on storage companies, other businesses

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  • Clarkston places moratorium on storage companies, other businesses

Clarkston City Hall. Photo by Dean Hesse.

By Sara Amis

The Clarkston city council at its Aug. 4 regular meeting voted to approve a moratorium on storage companies, gas stations, and small box variety stores.

Clarkston currently has two Family Dollars, one Dollar General Store, eight gas stations, and three storage facilities. The moratorium, which will expire in 2023, is intended to maintain the status quo while the city’s zoning code is being revised. It will not apply to any business which has already started the application process.

In other news:

– The council is considering a plan to reallocate funds from a previous temporary business assistance program as well as adding another $100,000 in American Rescue Plan Funds for a small business facade program. This will be a matching funds program intended to help create a consistent appearance for the Clarkston downtown area.

Businesses will be reimbursed for up to 50% of approved projects. The motion was deferred to the September meeting, when the previous program will have expired and City Manager Shawanna Qawiy is expected to provide more details on how the new program will be run.

– The council declined to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with AboutFace-USA, Incorporated to allocate $22,100.00 in ARPA funds for the “Project GROW” Program.

Project GROW, which stands for Gardening, Rehabilitation, Outreach, and Wellness, is a horticultural therapy program aimed at special needs students. The application was denied because the council requested additional information about the program, which was not provided. Vice Mayor Awet Eyasu noted that About Face could re-apply with additional documentation.

– The council declared a 2000 Ford sanitation truck as surplus property to be sold.

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