Andrew Cauthen, DeKalb County Communications Manager
acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov | 470-553-4408
Erik Burton, Communications Consultant
eburton@profileprllc.com | 770-294-8475
September 8, 2021
DeKalb Voter Alerts:
DeKalb Voter Registration and Elections Changes Four Polling Locations, Reminds Voters to Request Absentee Ballots Now
Advance Voting Oct. 12-29, General Election Nov. 2
DECATUR, Ga.—DeKalb’s Board of Registration and Elections recently approved changes to four polling locations ahead of the Nov. 2 General Election. Due to various issues including ongoing construction at previous polling locations, some voters in Chamblee, Doraville and Stonecrest may be assigned a new polling location this election cycle. DeKalb Voter Registration and Election also announced that impacted voters will receive correspondence in the mail with information regarding their new polling location.
Previous Polling Location | New Polling Location |
Chamblee Civic Center
3540 Broad Street Chamblee 30341 |
Chamblee Public Safety/Municipal Court, 4445 Buford Highway NE, Chamblee 30341 |
Doraville City Hall
3725 Park Avenue Doraville 30340 |
Doraville Civic Center, 377- Central Ave., Doraville 30340 |
Rock of Ages Lutheran Church
5135 Memorial Drive Stone Mountain 30083 |
Georgia Piedmont Technical College-Clarkston, 495 N. Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston 30021 |
City of Stonecrest Annex
(Sears Building-Stonecrest Mall) 2929 Turner Hill Road Stonecrest 30038 |
Stonecrest Library, 3123 Klondike Road, Stonecrest 30038 |
Voters who believe they may be impacted by the polling location change can contact DeKalb VRE by visiting DeKalbVotes.com or calling 404-298-4020 or 1-866-DEK-VOTES. On Election Day, DeKalb VRE will have staff stationed at changed polling locations to redirect voters. Signage will also be posted onsite at previous polling locations to alert voters of the change.
Absentee Voter Reminder
DeKalb VRE is reminding voters planning to cast an absentee ballot to request their ballot now for the November 2 General Election.
To request an absentee ballot, DeKalb voters must complete an absentee ballot application, which is available online at DeKalbVotes.com under the Absentee Information tab. A change from the 2020 election period, absentee ballots can be requested no earlier than 78 days and no later than 11 days prior to an election. Proper identification is also required on your absentee ballot request. Absentee ballots can be returned in person or by mail to DeKalb VRE at 4380 Memorial Drive, Suite 300, Decatur, via fax at 404-298-4038 or via email at absenteeballot@dekalbcountga.gov.
For more information, visit DeKalbVotes.com or call 404-298-4020 or 1-866-DEK-VOTES.
Additional Voter Reminders:
- Voters should complete the absentee ballot application and return to DeKalb VRE by mail, fax or email (as attachment)
- The state of Georgia allows absentee voting by mail and in person
- No excuse is required to vote before election day
- Absentee ballots can be requested no earlier than 78 days and no later than 11 days prior to an election
- The 2021 absentee ballot application requires voter to include a driver’s license number, state identification card number or a photocopy of an acceptable identification
Acceptable Identification:
- Any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a free voter ID card issued by your county registrar’s office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services
- A Georgia driver’s license, even if expired
- Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state
- Valid U.S. passport ID
- Valid U.S. military photo ID
- Valid tribal photo ID
- Other acceptable forms of ID include current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government documentation.
Obtain a Georgia Identification Card:
If you do not have one of the six acceptable forms of photo ID, the state of Georgia and DeKalb VRE offer free ID cards. To receive a voter identification card, voters are encouraged to come by DeKalb VRE offices at 4380 Memorial Dr. Suite 300, Decatur, and must provide:
- A photo identity document or approved non-photo identity document that includes full legal name and date of birth
- Documentation showing the voter’s date of birth
- Evidence that the applicant is a registered voter
- Documentation showing the applicant’s name and residential address
2021 Key Dates to Remember:
NOW Request your absentee ballot
Oct. 4 Last day to register to vote for the General Election
Oct. 12 – Oct. 29 Advance Voting period
Oct. 16 Saturday Voting for the November Municipal General/Special Election
Oct. 22 Last day to submit absentee ballot application for the November General Election
Oct. 23 Saturday Voting for the November Municipal General/Special Election
Nov. 2 General Election/Special Election Date
Nov. 19 Last day to submit absentee ballot application for the November General Election Runoff
Nov. 30 General Election/Special Election Runoff Date
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