NEWSLETTER: July 31st DeKalb County District 7 Weekly Highlights

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  • NEWSLETTER: July 31st DeKalb County District 7 Weekly Highlights

Dear Residents, Friends and Constituents of DeKalb,

It has been a busy week in District 7. I am proud to announce several approaching Town Halls and events that will provide critical information for DeKalb County residents. Please join me and our new Superintendent Cheryl Watson-Harris for a Countywide Town Hall to discuss how best to equip your student as they prepare for virtual learning this fall. We will provide critical updates on virtual learning, best practices, and county guidelines. Additionally, we will discuss the digital divide and what is being done to ensure no student is left behind. We will receive live questions from the audience during this Town Hall.

As always, I am here to serve and am available for virtual community meetings and Town Halls. I welcome every opportunity to connect with those I represent across DeKalb. Please continue to practice social distancing and exercise care for our community, as we are One DeKalb.

Your Commissioner,
Lorraine Cochran-Johnson, M.P.A.
Super District 7, DeKalb County