NEWSLETTER: June 15th DeKalb County District 7 Weekly Highlights

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  • NEWSLETTER: June 15th DeKalb County District 7 Weekly Highlights

Dear District 7 Constituents, Family, and Friends,

I hope you each remain safe and well as we continue to battle a global pandemic and unprecedented social unrest in our communities. I have been overwhelmed by the unity that has emerged among all people throughout DeKalb. I have never been more optimistic nor encouraged by the unity I see. I have always been taught light overcomes darkness and the darkest hour brings forth light. So, as DeKalb moves progressively towards the light, let us all embrace a new day. 

This week I have received countless letters concerning the removal of the Confederate Monument in Decatur Square as well as requests for the review of police policies related to excessive force. Consequently, I’d like to address both. I am personally looking at ways we can enhance current police policy. To this end I have retained a policy strategist to assist me. Ironically, my efforts had begun before the death of Mr. George Floyd, as I saw windows of opportunity for enhanced policies that govern our local officers. Once my recommendations are complete I will share them with the community. As it relates to the Confederate Monument, I have read every Email and I understand the concerns. I believe my constituent and new friend Mr. Anderson made a most compelling argument. We do not see monuments of Adolf Hitler in Germany erected by descendants of the Nazi Party although the Holocaust is a part of their history, so why should we honor the Confederacy with such monuments? To all my constituents, rest assured I will support efforts to remove the monument. As a lover of history and people, I am sensitive to the history of all people and the role they have played in the fabric of America. As I reflect on history, I am reminded of Mr. Hosea Williams. Prior to his death, I had the honor of working alongside Mr. Williams and I can remember hearing him say, “He who knows not his history is destined to repeat it.” My charge to all DeKalb is to know America’s history and the role all people have played in building America. 

This week, I am proud to announce a county-wide Town Hall that brings all essential DeKalb departments together. Please join us on Thursday, June 18th at 6:00PM as we hear from the Department of Sanitation, Code Compliance, Roads and Drainage, Planning and Sustainability, Community Development, Human Services, Watershed Management, DeKalb’s COO, and the Clerk of Superior Court for updates on each department. We will answer questions surrounding services being offered at this time and how we move forward. 

As always, I am here to serve and look forward to working with you to create the DeKalb that we all deserve.

Your Commissioner,
Lorraine Cochran-Johnson, M.P.A.
Super District 7, DeKalb County