The Friends of Flat Shoals Park & Dottie Bridges Tennis Group Unveil StoryWalk®

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  • The Friends of Flat Shoals Park & Dottie Bridges Tennis Group Unveil StoryWalk®

Flat Shoals Park StoryWalk in DeKalb County

By Rochelle Callender, Lead
Friends of Flat Shoals Park and Dottie Bridges Tennis

The Friends of Flat Shoals Park & Dottie Bridges Tennis group installed StoryWalk® on April 30, 2022 at Flat Shoals Park. Special thanks goes to Marvin Billups, David Flaharety and their staff at Mason Mill Park along with Toco Hills Library for sharing this concept, time and materials to make this wonderful initiative happen. In addition a renovated Children’s Book Box was installed, which was previously unveiled in March 2017 as the first in a DeKalb County park. Since that time hundreds of books have been donated by families and organizations, enabling hundreds of children to read in the park and most often take books home. Reading in the park is a primary initiative at Flat Shoals Park with the belief that children who read have choices in life which is why they enable ‘Reading’ programs. StoryWalk® is a wonderful addition to park and community.

Save the date! Friends of Flat Shoals Park’s annual ‘Book it to the Park’ book donation event supplies an inventory of books for the Children’s Book Box. This event is always held during National Parks and Recreation Month. This year’s date is Saturday, July 9th, 10 AM – 1 PM. All who have gently used or new children’s books as asked to please set them aside and ‘book it to the park’ to drop them off on July 9th. A communique will be released informing and reminding the community of this event.

A little Flat Shoals Park history: Flat Shoals Park is located at 4255 Flat Shoals Parkway (located behind the Community Achievement Center) .
2002: 18 acres greenspace land was purchased from the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit church on Flat Shoals Pkwy (now Greater Travelers Rest). At the time of purchase the property contained trees, four tennis courts (with two lighted courts) and a tennis clubhouse.
2006: Residents in the community became actively involved with the County parks department to raise awareness about tennis and park requirements; and to engage in the process of bringing a park to the area.
2010: Groundbreaking event was held.
2011: Park opened.

Due to an active Friends of Flat Shoals Park group, the park has expanded since it opened, currently containing:

     – 1/2 mile walking trail,
     – fitness trail with eight (8) outdoor exercise stations,
     – One (1) large pavilion (Six (6) picnic tables and restrooms),
     – One (1) gazebo (Two (2) picnic tables)
     – Two (2) children’s playgrounds (for ages 2-12 with four picnic tables surrounding the playground area, two benches). Many teens use this playground.
     – Five (5) grill stations thought the park
     – Two (2) chess/checker tables (Park Pride grant & community businesses) Mar 2016
     – One (1) Children’s Book Box (materials,design and build by Friends of Flat Shoals Park); Mar 2017
     – One (1) Community News Board (Eagle Scout Project, materials acquired by donations from Community businesses) Mar 2017
129 Holly trees donated to buffer the park from Creekwood Hills Subdivision (park users were cutting thru on private property, disturbing residents) Kudos to DC PR&CAm May 2013
     – Four tennis courts with new (2020) ADA path from parking areas to courts
     – Tennis area: (Dottie Bridges tennis)
           * Facility clubhouse building (unusable since Spring 2019 when water pipe burst in ladies restroom). This building has been infested with termites since 2006 as noted in an article written in On Common Ground. Due to the burst pipe the building has been unuseable. The Friends group is engaged with the Parks department for a replacement solution. Requirements submitted Fall, 2021. Contains restrooms, space for group gathering, kitchenette, storage closet, office area, air condition/heat. Used by High School tennis teams and Seniors
           * Great News: Over the years ten Southwest DeKalb Seniors who practiced and played at the Dottie Bridges courts have received collegiate tennis scholarships. In addition the 18 & under USTA youth program either wins or are runner ups every summer. Congratulations to Coach Lance Davenport, SWD Coach for his continued commitment to our youth.
           * All four courts are slated for resurfacing in Summer, 2022 (moved from April/May due to anticipated weather conditions).
           * Lights were available on two courts when the land was purchased. At that time, we anticipated the lights being ‘grandfathered’ in, which did not happen. Because the lights are no longer available we lost the ability to have competitive adult/senior ALTA and USTA team tennis. A solution of two lighted courts is an active request.
           * Many thanks to the DC PR&CA dept for their 2021-2022 focus on the needs of the tennis area.
A study of park users was held during the spring/summer of 2021 resulting in requirements for a Tire swing and shade over the four picnic tables on the playground. We are awaiting a design and pricing from the Parks department to determine how we can deliver these amenities to park attendees.

Net-net: Flat Shoals Park has an extremely active Friends group. Their lead, Rochelle Callender, has been involved with this property in helping the community define the initial requirements for the park and humbly received a Park Pride Inspiration Award in 2017; Callender represented District 7 on the Citizens Advisory Board and continue to be a catalyst to engage residents in activities to not only improve the park but to take ownership to keep the park clean. The current Leadership team and core committee expanded during the pandemic and are very active defining enhancements, activities and programs. In 2023, Callendar will be taking a less active role as the Friends of Flat Shoals Park mentor in a new Leadership team.

What the Friends of Flat Shoals Park have noticed: Teens and young adults still need options…it is wonderful to see the volume of teens and young adults using the courts to play tennis. However, there is a growing number who want to use the courts on Sunday, for roller skating and skateboarding. Having an outdoor skateboard venue in the South DeKalb (similar to the Beltline) is needed. It is their hope that the new master plan includes input from our teen/young adult community.

Enjoy a few of the many pictures taken at StoryWalk®!