Tucker DDA and Georgia Tech to work on incentives study

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  • Tucker DDA and Georgia Tech to work on incentives study

Main Street, Tucker. Photo by Dean Hesse.

By Logan C. Ritchie

Tucker Downtown Development Authority met March 7.

DDA board member Crayton Lankford said an incentive study is being conducted by Georgia Tech Center for Economic Development Research (CEDR). To kick it off, Georgia Tech wants to meet with key players including some city staff, DDA members, Mayor Frank Auman and city council members.

“Georgia Tech is looking around for other cities comparable with Tucker … they’re going to synthesize those into what would be the best policies and procedures for Tucker, and then develop the policy and an application,” said Lankford.

The study will be complete by September, said Chambers.

CEDR has been engaged with the DDA, helping to create a vision, mission statement and five-year strategic plan focusing on partnerships.

In preparation for FY23, the DDA plans to submit a budget to the city of Tucker before the end of March, said DDA Chair Brian Chambers. Assistant City Manager John McHenry said the city presents the budget for FY23 in a series of public meetings before finalizing it in June.

Jackie Moffo, economic development manager, said the city is working on an economic development strategic plan.

DDA members over an hour in executive session for personnel and real estate. No votes were taken afterward.

Read the original story on TuckerObserver.com.